Friday, December 12, 2008

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Friday after Thanksgiving, we took to the task of decorating for Christmas. It's been a long wait, but I was so excited to be in a house for Christmas. We actually had room to put up the Christmas tree I bought 5 years ago, but didn't have room for in our condo. In fact, we had enough room to put up a tree just for Alex to decorate. Aunt Sherrine spent the night on Thanksgiving to help us with our Christmas festivities.A little before Thanksgiving, I took Alex to the dollar store and let him pick out 5 decorations for his tree. This ball-garland was one of his choices.
Doesn't his tree look great?
That night we took a picture of us in front of our big tree (which wasn't finished here because nobody wanted to help me decorate). We all wore our Christmas apparel.
To finish our fun-filled day, we took Alex to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time. I thought it was a good idea, until we got there, and then all I could think was "germ fest!" and I feared for the cleanliness of my sweet little baby (Aidan). How could I take him there? I snuggled him the whole time we were there to minimize his exposure. Alex had a great time, and I'm sure we'll go again. Everyone was properly sanitzed when we got home. :)

1 comment:

Toni said...

The trees look great. Alex did a great job on his tree and you all look wonderful in your Christmas shirts. It also looks like Chuck E. Cheese was a hit with Alex.