Thursday, October 30, 2008

Family Fun Day

Since Jon works so much (uh - I mean "hard"), we try to have some "Family Fun" days - usually around holidays, but whenever we can squeeze in time together. Last Saturday we went to Frightmares at Lagoon. The weather was nice and we had a great time. Aidan (even though he doesn't show it in this picture) enjoys riding in the Baby Bjorn. Alex enjoyed the candy he got from the mini haunted house for little kids. Cute little Alex.
Alex and I got to ride Odyssey together. Jon told me I would only get "a little" wet. I guess he wasn't counting on Alex riding us directly IN to the spouting water - EVERY time we went around. Really, what are the odds that he could hit it every time?
Little Aidan was a trooper waiting for us to ride rides while he patiently sat in the stroller.

We stayed until dark and got to take a picture with their Jack-o-lanterns. You can just barely see Aidan's stroller in the corner.

It's no coincidence that this is the picture we took with Jon in it - he tends to be a workaholic. A little foreshadowing if he doesn't ease up? :)

Alex loves the Halloween decorations.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Proof is in the Pudding

I meant to include this in the "All About Aidan" post, but hadn't uploaded it yet. This is just to show that I wasn't exaggerating when I said Aidan thinks it's funny when I change his clothes.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jon is Akela?

Last Thursday night, Jon helped present an Arrow of Light for one of his Webelos. He played the role of the Indian Akela. He looks pretty good, right?
After the ceremony, the Scouts put on a small Halloween carnival for the kids.Alex loved this game where you try to eat the hanging donut without using your hands.The donut was too tasty and the "right" way took too long, so Alex just grabbed it and ate it.One of the Moms there took a picture of Aidan. I guess you could say that he had her at "hello" (or should I say "cheese"?), because she thought he was cute enough to take a few pictures of him. I love my boys - all of them.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

All About Aidan

My sweet little Aidan is 4 months old. He has been such an easy, happy baby. One of his best attributes is his cheery disposition. I often get asked if he is always this smiley or this happy, and he is! And for some reason, he thinks it's hilarious when I change his clothes and it just makes him laugh. I love his little laugh. His favorite song is "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." And while sleeping through the night is not one of his skills yet (but he has been doing 5 - 6 hours - - so that's good), he does have several skills that he is working on.

For example, he can put many of his fingers, or almost his whole fist, in his mouth at once. He has just started playing with toys and is so cute grabbing them. Of course they go straight to his mouth. He has found his thumb. He's not a thumb sucker like Alex, but he sure does like to gnaw on it.

I love this picture. I think it's so cute that he likes to sleep with his hands behind his head. This reminds me of his cousin, Charley, who also sleeps like this.

He also likes to blow bubbles, often leaving himself with a milk mustache. Jon wouldn't let me put a picture of that on - he thought it was too unflattering. And of course, he's got a head of hair that would make any high councilor proud. I sure love you little Aidan!

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Friday, October 24, 2008

More Halloween Fun - Barnyard Boo

Another Halloween tradition we have is taking the kids to Barn Yard Boo at Thanksgiving Point. The kids get a punch card and get to do different activities - such as a pony ride, ring toss, bean bag toss, bowling, decorating a sugar cookie, going on a wagon ride, and getting a tied balloon. Alex wanted a red balloown sword. We went last Friday and the weather was so great. We've gone in past years when it's been really cold.
Aidan was a trooper and fell asleep in the stroller so that Alex could do all the fun things he wanted.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Giant Pumpkins

Our neighbors grow giant pumpkins and enter them in a contest each year. About a week and a half ago, we heard a lot of kids outside and went out to investigate. Several classes from the elementary school had come on a field trip to see the pumpkins. Alex got a picture with this one that has a crack in it. Because of the crack, this one is disqualified for the contest, but it was the largest one they had. They had 2 more that were a bit smaller and they entered them. They won! Hurray for giant pumpkins. After the contest, they brought the cracked one to the front of the house.
A couple of nights later, it was carved into a giant jack-o-lantern. Alex is proudly sporting his ghost flashlight he got in his kid's meal from Arctic Circle.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Halloween Fun - Gardner Village

One of our family's traditions is to go to Gardner Village to see the witches. It's fun, free, and provides a great photo op. This year I was going to go by myself with the boys, but at the last minute, Jon was able to make it. He met us there, and we had a great time walking around.This witch is my favorite - her sign explains it all.Alex is a red power ranger for Halloween this year - and loves to dress up in his costume. Aidan is superman and looks so cute in his little costume.

We had a great time!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Conference Fun

Yikes! Has it really been a month since I've blogged? I guess after my last blog - I was concentrating on Mom and Dad Gus's anniversary celebration (you can read about the details on any of the sisters blogs), then scrapbooking weekend, and then they asked us to talk in church on Sunday, so we were getting ready for that. Also, the computer broke in the middle and was in the shop for a little over a week - so we were without that. Anyhoo - this is a little late - but Alex really enjoyed Conference.
Alex enjoyed printing out the Conference packet and coloring the sheets. In between Sat. sessions, we made a spin board with the members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the 12 on it (you can see it on the blue board with the yellow pointer below). We also got out the M&Ms so that he could play Conference Bingo on his (outdated) Bingo Board. I never knew a 5 year old could be so excited for Conference. He loved it! He also enjoyed spying his cousin Lexie in the children's choir that sang.
We gave our talks yesterday in church and survived! Yay! We are happy to have that done. Here's a picture of us after church. Alex even gave his first talk in sacrament meeting. He said he wanted to give a talk when he found out we were speaking. We hesitently asked him what he would say, and he said, "Hi, I'm Alex. When I'm 8 years old I can be baptized by immersion by Jon, my dad. I can be a member of Jesus Christ's church. When I'm baptized, I promise to obey God's commandments. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." We were sufficiently impressed, so we let him talk, and he got up all by himself and did a great job! I think that's pretty good for a 5 year old to write his own talk - we were pretty proud of our little tiger - even if he does call his dad by his first name. :)