Thursday, November 20, 2008

Disney On Ice

Last Thursday night, Alex, Aidan, and Aunt Sherrine and I went to go see Disney on Ice (Jon was sick).

The show was really good and Alex sat riveted the enitre time.

Alex was thrilled that one of the first acts was from Aladin - one of his very favorite movies. He enjoyed singing along to the songs.

Who would've thought that Dorrie could skate?

Alex enjoyed eating a cookie while watching his favorite characters.

Alex was also thrilled to see his absolute favorite - Buzz Lightyear. To Infinity and Beyond!

They even had some skaters act out "It's a Small World".

Aidan was a real trooper and also thoroughly enjoyed the show.

By the second Act, Alex assumed his semi-tired position: sucking his thumb and holding his blanket.

The Incredibles showed up.

And the show ended with a great finale including all the characters and fireworks.

Aunt Ene bought Alex an early Christmas present - a Mr. Incredible that spins the robot he's holding and lights up.
We had a great time!


Jennie said...

As Jon would say, "What a lucky, lucky, boy." That looks so fun. My kids are deprived. They haven't ever been to one of those. Shhhh... don't tell them and they won't know what they are missing.

Kimi said...

Looks like lots of fun! I must say your pictures were fabulous. They look professional... either that or you are "lucky" as Jennie said and had front row seats. ;) lol

grandma gus said...

How FUN!!!!!! So glad you were all able to go. Pictures all all so fun and colorful. Glad you got to see Dorrie.......she is my favorite in the last little while, but NOT Ellen. I don't even watch her show. BAH HUMBUG!!!!
Aunt Sherrine is sure FUN!!!! See you guys all soon!!!!

Annissa said...

That brings back memories of when we took Tanner years ago. Looks like a good time for all.

Toni said...

What great pictures. It looks like everyone had a lot of fun