Friday, November 7, 2008


Jon's work has a tradition of letting the kids come trick or treating in his office on Halloween. So around 2 pm we headed over. Jon was on the phone when we came, but the kids still got to say hi. We finally got his attention and got him to turn around for a picture.
As an added bonus, the boys also got to see their aunt, dressed as a witch.
She hand-stitched her sweatshirt herself - pretty cute!
This is Alex in full Power Ranger character.
This is the first year we've been in a house, and the first year Alex really got to go trick or treating. He started out strong - running from house to house. He was one of the last kids out in our neighborhood and scored tons of candy. He had a great time.


grandma gus said...

How cute and how fun are these cute pictures of Alex & Aidan. Glad you were all able to visit their Dad's office and see their Auntie too. I would love to see her sweatshirt up close, it looks darling!!! Alex sure got a haul in his bucket. If that Power Ranger face wasn't so "stern".....I would try to come and get some.
Thanks for sharing Cami!!!!

Toni said...

That's so cool the kids can trick-or-treat at Jon's office. Alex really did get a lot of candy.

Brooke said...

WOW! He made a haul! And your little Superman is the cutest pint sized superhero I have ever seen!

Ink Poison said...

I love your blog, Camille (I mean, Cami. Had I been getting it wrong the whole time I knew you here?) Anyway, your baby is all cuteness. And the rest of you are looking great. Thanks for the update.
Love, ingrid