Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter Day

This is a pic of cute little Aidan in his Peter Rabbit outfit the day before Easter - just so you can get the full effect of his Easter cuteness. Easter Day started bright and early for us as Alex came in at 6 am to gleefully inform me that the Easter Bunny had come. After church, we headed down to Nana and Papa's house. It's no surprise that both of the boys fell asleep on the way down.

Don't they just look like little angels? There's a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that I like: "There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep." So true!
Doesn't Jon look handsome in his Easter best?
My smiley little baby enjoyed being outside while his big brother found eggs.
Alex loves Easter hunts. He even has me hide empty eggs around the house for him to find just for fun - he enjoys the hunt so much.
My mom made us a great dinner and we enjoyed the special day remembering our Savior's resurrection and being with family.


Jennie said...

Cute! Is Aidan standing by himself? Wow!

Toni said...

As always, the boys are so cute. What a fun Easter.

mama fish said...

Could we just kidnap Aidan...then I wouldn't have to be prego again. They both look "darling mandy"

mama fish said...

I forgot to say Happy Birthday! Hope you at least get to have a few minutes to yourself away from the patient!