Guess who's birthday is this very day? Why - this handsome devil right here! Happy birthday, honey! We want you to know how much we love and appreciate you around here.
You're a great dad: Alex loves that you coach his soccer team (along with 2 uncles).
You're a hard worker - not only to you work extra hard at your "day job", but in the summer you spend hours on yard work. Even though it's a beast, we know you secretly enjoy riding the John Deer. :)
You're constantly working on home improvement projects to make our house nicer for us.
Aidan loves his "Da" and excitedly waits for you to walk through the door after he hears the garage door open at the end of the day.
You're not afraid to try new things - like carving the turkey for Thanksgiving. You did a great job - what a work of art!
You're a great skiier and it's so neat that you're taking our little tiger to learn, too.
I really am a "lucky girl" to have such a good husband and father to our children. I love that after nearly 10 years of marriage, you can still make me laugh, and my heart still skips a beat when you give a genuine laugh at something cute the kids do/say. I wish you didn't have to work so many hours, but I know that you do it for us and I appreciate that you're such a good provider for us and that I get to stay home with our precious children.
Happy Birthday, sweetheart!